Reform & Motivate Academy

Welcome to R&M Academy where you will be equipped with the motivational/inspirational tools needed to accomplish your Life- Goals, towards your Career path, and overall Success in life. Start now with a Free Course or Accelerate faster toward Success with Diamond Membership, to help you achieve wealth, success, and happiness in Life. 


Choose Membership...

Select the level of membership (which can be upgraded anytime). Most people start with the Gold and upgrade to Diamond.


Start Reforming...

To yfhtfy


and Motivate Forward.

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Motivating our Youth for Progress!

The Reformer has worked tirelessly to produce podcasts, videos, courses, and even established this Academy to inspire anyone towards Greatness! 

Are You FOCUSED or Distracted in Life?

Most times in life, when we look at our life, we discover that we haven't did everything we should've done, to reached the level of success, happiness, or achieve the status of life we all want to experience. We all needed  someone to give us that  push to help us stay Focused!

Inspiring Adults towards Success!

There are many adults that eventually realize that they have not used their talents or gifts for better outcomes in life. It's never too late to be inspired.

R & M  Self-Improvement courses  &  Motivational  Memberships

From the COUCH...

Unsure about the futute, he played video games daily until family member gifted him Gold Membership.

to Course Membership...

After a change of mindset, got serious about life. He   obtained valuable skills and set obtainable goals. 

to Career & path of Success

Filled with a new confidence and ambition. Landed opportunity in desired career path. This is success.


$19.99 per Month

Silver Package is for those that want the R&M Self-Improvement Tools and no mentorship . 

  •  • Access to R&M Library and Motivational Resources!
  • • 6 Motivational Course per Month.*

No obligation !


$39.99 per Month

Gold Package is for self-starters, desiring to work at their own pace for results.

•Access to R&M Library and Motivational Resources!
• 12 Motivational Courses per Month.
  • • 1-30 Minute Support Session*
  • Free Merch Every Month (after 3rd Month)*

No obligation !


$69.99 per Month

Diamond Package is an Exclusive Mentorship for those that desire the best results from the Reformer.

  • Everything in Silver & Gold Packages! PLUS...
  • • 18 Motivational Courses per Month.
  • • Live Weekly Motivational Webinar.
  • • 4-30 Minute Support Sessions*
  • Free Merch Every Month (after 2nd Month)*

No obligation !

Click to Listen Live 24/7/365 to
Reform & Motivate Radio
Download Zeno FM app on Apple Store or Google Play Store & Tune In Now!

Simple, Powerful, and Inspiring Merch to Keep You Motivated on the road of Goal Accomplishment & Success!
Click & Order Your Merch Now! 


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Yashua the Reformer

Motivational Course Instructor, Orator, Philosopher, Author, and Influencer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ultrices, justo ut interdum hendrerit, lacus enim semper nunc, sed rutrum quam justo fringilla nulla.

r & M  testimonials

Sara Johnson
Founder, CTO - The Company

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean elit purus, dapibus pretium nisi id, ullamcorper bibendum nisl. Nam feugiat sapien libero."

Margeret Doe
Freelance writer, CTO - The Company

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tempor eleifend tempus. Aenean placerat ornare tristique. Praesent bibendum feugiat turpis nec dignissim."

Zoe James
Blogger, CTO - The Company

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie interdum malesuada. Vestibulum convallis, dolor sit amet commodo viverra."

Frequently Asked Questions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar venenatis elit vitae fermentum. Curabitur commodo a augue in faucibus. Proin et nibh vel odio facilisis eleifend. Maecenas dignissim eget augue sed cursus. Nulla quis sem molestie, eleifend dolor et, pretium lorem. Nam mollis metus eu tempor vehicula. Nam tellus massa, tempus faucibus tortor id, ultricies sagittis tellus. Cras eget felis quam. Vestibulum placerat nulla in nunc pulvinar consectetur elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar venenatis elit vitae fermentum. Curabitur commodo a augue in faucibus. Proin et nibh vel odio facilisis eleifend. Maecenas dignissim eget augue sed cursus. Nulla quis sem molestie, eleifend dolor et, pretium lorem. Nam mollis metus eu tempor vehicula. Nam tellus massa, tempus faucibus tortor id, ultricies sagittis tellus. Cras eget felis quam. Vestibulum placerat nulla in nunc pulvinar.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar venenatis elit vitae fermentum. Curabitur commodo a augue in faucibus. Proin et nibh vel odio facilisis eleifend. Maecenas dignissim eget augue sed cursus. Nulla quis sem molestie, eleifend dolor et, pretium lorem. Nam mollis metus eu tempor vehicula. Nam tellus massa, tempus faucibus tortor id, ultricies sagittis tellus. Cras eget felis quam. Vestibulum placerat nulla in nunc pulvinar, non aliquet tellus.

Top Rated Courses

Access hundreds of hours of amazing, in-depth courses including hours of step-by-step instructions, weekly office hours and much more.

Learn At Your Own Pace

From any device, any time at your convenience. Resume exactly where you left off. No limits on the number of times you can view video lessons.

Motivational Radio & Ebooks

Join our community and connect with students from around the world who are just like you. Learn and share with the every growing community.